Oscartielle spa: Production Offshoring Development

In 2001, I held the position of Country Manager for OSCARTIELLE EST EUROPA, based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. My primary responsibility was to establish and manage operations for the production and distribution of plug-in refrigeration counters. These units were designed to connect directly to the electrical network of independent retailers across Eastern Europe, starting with Romania, without the need for remote refrigeration systems.

Key Objectives and Achievements:

1.Development of a Local Supply Chain:

•Upon starting operations, it became clear that the Romanian market lacked suppliers capable of handling key manufacturing processes, such as:

Sheet metal bending.

Electronic control systems for refrigeration units.

Thermoformed polyurethane side panels for the counters.

•I successfully identified, negotiated, and built a reliable network of local subcontractors capable of meeting OSCARTIELLE’s production needs, ensuring high-quality standards.

2.Distributor Network Creation:

•I developed a comprehensive network of distributors across Romania, tasked with selling OSCARTIELLE refrigeration units and providing after-sales support to retailers.

•Established service points to assist independent stores and ensure long-term customer satisfaction.

3.Pricing and Policy Framework:

•Defined pricing strategies and commercial policies tailored to the Romanian market to improve competitiveness and profitability.

4.Localized Production:

•Facilitated the local manufacturing of refrigeration units, including adapting product designs to align with the technological capabilities of Romanian suppliers. This ensured cost-effectiveness and scalability for the Eastern European market.

5.Operational Excellence:

•Oversaw the operational setup of the Cluj-Napoca plant, managing all aspects of production and logistics.

•Supported the company’s integration into the local market by aligning strategies with the specific demands of Eastern European retailers.


•The rapid success of this initiative led to a significant increase in production and sales, earning OSCARTIELLE recognition from Italian media such as Il Sole 24 Ore and industry organizations like Confindustria, which highlighted the project’s innovative approach and its role in strengthening economic ties with Romania.

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